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Μέλος του Συλλόγου ΤΗΘΥΣ
Εγγραφή: 29-01-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 5.525
Απάντηση: Συμβίωση ή ανταγωνισμός;

Ένα ολόφρεσκο αρθράκι στο

Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Volume 22, Issue 11, November 2007, Pages 611-619:

Do evolution and ecology need the Gaia hypothesis?

Andrew Free1, 2, and Nicholas H. Barton2
1Centre for the Study of Environmental Change and Sustainability, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3JN, UK
2Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3JR, UK

Available online 22 October 2007.

Gaia theory, which describes the life–environment system of the Earth as stable and self-regulating, has remained at the fringes of mainstream biological science owing to its historically inadequate definition and apparent incompatibility with individual-level natural selection. The key issue is whether and why the biosphere might tend towards stability and self-regulation. We review the various ways in which these issues have been addressed by evolutionary and ecological theory, and relate these to ‘Gaia theory’. We then ask how this theory extends the perspectives offered by these disciplines, and how it might be tested by novel modelling approaches and laboratory experiments using emergent technologies.

Ώριμο και πολύ νηφάλιο, προτείνει τρόπους πειραματικού ελέγχου της θεωρίας της Γαίας.....
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The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything
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